Hi! I’m Scott Perry, and this is where I write things that I might want to refer to later1. The page I share most often is What is Modern Monetary Theory? Despite that, the most popular page is <!-- 🤦 -->
This site is made to be explored2; if you enjoy it, consider subscribing to the feed—you can preview its contents here. The most recent post is Green and Gold
By category, you’ll find:
- online tools I’ve built to make my life easier
- ideas I couldn’t get out of my head
- stories of things that have happened to me (or that I did to myself)
- code snippets, solutions to small problems I’ve had and ideas that have struck me
- projects throughout their lifecycle
- stuff I use that makes me happy (or not) in the hopes that it’ll make you happy (or not?) too
One might charitably call it a digital garden ↩